Tag: living longer

The Growing Impact of Isolation

This past April, the oldest resident of the U.S., Hestor Ford, passed away at 115 years old in the home she lived in since the early 1960s. She lived through sharecropping, the 1918 flu pandemic, the Great Depression, World Wars I and II, Jim Crow laws, the civil rights movement, and the coronavirus pandemic. She…
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Have You Talked to Your Parents About Their Future?

It’s never too early to talk with your folks about their vision for their future. Start the conversation, and keep it going over time. Here are a few tips that may help get you started. Let Them be Part of the Decision Making Saying, “Well, this is what we think is best for you,” generally causes conflict.…
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Redefining Old (as in Older Adult)

Adjective: old; Comparative adjective: older; Superlative adjective: oldest As we celebrate Older Americans Month, I found myself thinking about how people perceive age. I remember thinking my Dad was old — afterall, he fought in WW II — and retired early with a gold watch — but he died at age 61. Today, I certainly do not think…
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